Author Archives: cdebacker
Floating Creeps
Invasive species must be stopped for fish lives and human benefits. But we need solutions to get rid of the exotic plants.Drones and people have to be solutions that will get rid of exotic plants.
As exotic species came to north America they somehow they escaped through boats, fish, birds anything really. Some people also admire hydrilla but still it does take over lakes, ponds, streams but some exotic species have no friends, unfortunately we don’t have ways to take out this threat.
Here are some current solutions, but they are not working, clean drain dry, this is a way to stop transporting exotic species first you have to clean the boat then drain it and dry (see simple). But also clean drain dry are good ways to clean off eggs,seeds and spores from exotic species.
My first solution is drones could be good because they could be water proof, but they also could be mistake for food by other fish. Other than that drones can pick up the exotic species and bring it to land and by doing this we could take invasive species from a lake and keep it from reproducing.
My second solution is people, as a community we can work together to make the U.S. lakes and streams safe from invasive species. Like here’s an example lets say someone wants to get rid of invasive species in their lake then he or she will need help from other people.
We need to get rid of invasive species to keep animals and humans happy.
Invasive species are not good, so we need to find ways to destroy this threat, so let’s get working.
How to be supportive.Be supportive, so others will do it to others. Being supportive is important, so I will tell you why it’s important and why you should do it. It helps other people and motivates other people.
Supporting, why it’s needed. First, why it can bring someone from being sad to happy. It also can motivate, so they feel like doing something they wanted to do. Like in the book “I Am Malala”, Malala parents, family, and friends supported her, so she didn’t stop because of a small group of people supported her now you know why it’s needed to be supportive.
Why you should support. Being supportive can stop bulling, I mean by support the victim just by saying hi like that’s it just a hi is fine. You can support in different ways like sending gifts, supporting words (like hi) etc.
Being supportive is important, now that you know I hope you will do it more often, but hey you just might get more friends, who knows. Now you know how to do good supporting
Standing Up
Malala had her voice heard by speaking to the public. Malala had no fear so she stood up.Malala started helping her dad talk to the government. “pleading with the government for help and speaking against the taliban”. She started talking to the news and writers “two men wanted to document me and my life”.As Malala started talking to the public, the public started standing up well at least a few people did.
A Right To Change A Way Of Thinking
Education is so important to Malala because she likes to go to school and talk to friends, but also she likes to learn about things, so she can be smarter.Malala wants other kids have an education,”why don’t they go to school”.She has ways of getting meaning of words,”I knocked on the wall and removed the brick and see if my friends family knew what it meant”.Education is really important to malala so that why she still goes to school even tho she scared of the taliban
Ups and Downs in Communicating
Talking in person can be awesome because you can see them physically, but when you can’t see them or barely can you can use technology to talk to them.
People enjoy both of them, but people can have a opinion on both ways of communicating, also try not to be rude in both ways of communicating or don’t be a bully, but there are many similarities like there both ways communicating.
You can make new friends, making friends is fun for everybody, but on the internet you can’t really see them sometimes and you don’t know who they are either they could be a thief or something however, don’t go random areas that a random person invited you somewhere without your parent’s permission.
Here are some differences about both ways of communicating, first talking in person gives you self confidence like the more people you talk to in a crowd or people by themselves you gain self confidence in technology it not really scary because you either know them or they are some random person you talk to through a game or other ways, but communicating in technology can be awesome because you can talk to people far away, but in person you have to be close.
But after all the debates on which way is better to talk to both ways are really good ways of communicating.
Christmas Break Poem
Christmas Break Poem
Before the break
I asked God for more time with my family
Well then it came true
As Christmas morning arrived
I walked in where the tree stands tall
With all the variety of presents
Food was being cooked sss very gently
Presents of shapes and sizes
While color was blooming
After we opened presents
I thought about we didn’t get a lot
But what really counts
Is how much heart you put into giving
So I hugged my mom and dad
And gave thanks to my family
Being Different
Being Different
Humans are different
But not very normal,
people try to fit in some don’t,
some can’t get people to think good,
but all people have a heart
Humans are different
But not very normal,
some can turn on the TV, some can’t,
some can’t talk through their mouth,
but some are very smart
Human are different
But not very normal,
some people can’t be stopped even if they have disabilities,
all people have different minds some thoughtful,
but in all humans can choose what to do,
Humans are different, but not very normal
Literary Response
Here are some ways on why I think this Out of My Mind is realistic fiction
To start with at the beginning it does not say based on a true story, yet it does not have any mythical creatures to give any clues.”I have never spoken one word”.
The genre is realistic fiction because it shows evidence on how it could be.”the only one who got it right was melody”.This is possible because kids with disabilities could be 100 times smarter than other people.
Its first person so it shows it’s from melody like.”After school was mean and grumpy”.First person could help it support that it’s realistic fiction because most fiction books are 3rd person well from the fiction books I read from.
Now you know how this book (out of my mind) is realistic fiction.
Sharon Draper’s writing
Here are some things out of Sharon Draper’s book that I like.
I know that the sensory language is there, I know it’s there because I don’t have the same emotion throughout the book. Like how a sentence, said, “With a smile on her face but eyes with worry” that made me sad kinda.
I like how the plot is. It’s simple I know it because it is straightforward the plot is melody talking about her life and how how she feels.I know this because she Melody said”but i cried and kicked my feet”, but the author made it very real.
I like the part when a doctor was talking to the mom. then the mom said stuff like “you might have a degree but I know my daughter is smarter”and this is described very very well.
So the book is very good so let’s cover the things we read. The book has very well sensory language, the book has a good plot and it’s really descriptive.