How to be supportive.Be supportive, so others will do it to others. Being supportive is important, so I will tell you why it’s important and why you should do it. It helps other people and motivates other people.
Supporting, why it’s needed. First, why it can bring someone from being sad to happy. It also can motivate, so they feel like doing something they wanted to do. Like in the book “I Am Malala”, Malala parents, family, and friends supported her, so she didn’t stop because of a small group of people supported her now you know why it’s needed to be supportive.
Why you should support. Being supportive can stop bulling, I mean by support the victim just by saying hi like that’s it just a hi is fine. You can support in different ways like sending gifts, supporting words (like hi) etc.
Being supportive is important, now that you know I hope you will do it more often, but hey you just might get more friends, who knows. Now you know how to do good supporting