Look at this very imformational video.
Monthly Archives: November 2015
Colonial Life
Today was my first day to work at the Silversmith mill.I was hired three days ago. I was also was trained and tought of how to make ingots, silver coins, and items and turn them into useful silver items.
On my way to work I found a few silver coins on the ground near by the pottery mill I wondered why it was there, but I just left it there. When I got the Silversmith mill I got right on my station. The stations is a little work space and its not really big. My work space is a little bit bigger than a normal one , but it is okay.I have a silver weight way, a hammer and tongs, plus I , also have a furnace witch a 2 lids that I can open and put lava or hot coal in it.I saw a few people walk by with brand new silver items they seemed happy, then I saw a few people coming to me they asked me to turn 20 silver coins into cups of silver.
I got to work, but I had to weigh the silver coins, so I put each coin on each plate and the coins weighed about the same as there suppose too.I put hot coal in the furnace.The fire was really hot, but not hot enough. A few minuits later I dip the coins in the lava oh yeah I put lava in the furnace but it was a tad bit of lava in there to speed up the heating speed.Then I molded the coins together then I went to the hammer and made the shape of the coins.I waited a few hours and the cups where made.Well that is it.